6 Simple Job Search Tips People Always Forget

Job help

Are you looking for a job? If your search seems to be dragging on and on, maybe you are forgetting something.

Below, we’ve assembled a roster of often-forgotten job search tips. They’re simple. They don’t take much time. And unfortunately, that makes them forgettable and often overlooked.

But now that you’re paying attention, you can employ them in your job search!

1.  Start with a Nice-Looking CV

Handing in a CV is a routine part of applying for a job. Yet, has it become so routine that you’re not giving it the attention it deserves?

Pay attention to your CV layout. Does your CV look cluttered, or is it easy to read? Are your sections clearly labelled with bold headings? Are the fonts and font sizes easy on the eyes?

If you’re feeling particularly creative, you can select a colourful CV template. Try to match the mood of the CV to what you know about the company culture.

Finally, don’t forget to save your CV in PDF format for online submission. This will prevent the document from losing its formatting or even becoming unreadable when it is opened.

2.  Get on Their Radar

Today, most job searches take place online. Thousands upon thousands of jobs are posted online each day. Databases are easy to search and online job applications may take only minutes.

The downside to this is that hundreds or even thousands of other applicants may be applying for the same job you are. This reduces your chances of getting a particular job, and you may find your job search dragging on.

The solution? Make yourself known to the company. Don’t be satisfied with just an application – get on their radar.

Find people who work at the company and schedule an informational interview. Contact the company’s recruiter and ask questions. Connect with employees on LinkedIn. Attend community networking events or tour the company’s facilities, if possible. Call the receptionist and inquire about openings. You never know who might influence your chances of getting an interview.

3.  Don’t Just Look Online

For the same reasons discussed above, it may be difficult to stand out as a candidate online. So don’t limit your search to only online ads.

Utilize your professional network. Ask contacts if they know of any openings in your field – or in other fields that could put your skillset to good use.

Pay attention to physical job postings as well – in the local newspaper, on a community bulletin board, or in a shop window. These legitimate jobs may not be posted online – making the pool of applicants that much smaller.

4.  Update Your CV and LinkedIn Profile to Fit Each Job – Yes, Every Job

Once you’ve polished your CV and your LinkedIn profile, you may feel like it’s time to sit back and do nothing more than hitting the “send” button.

You would be wrong.

Actually, you should tailor your CV (and possibly LinkedIn as well) to fit the job you’re seeking. Why? Because each job has particular keywords that will help your resume pass the applicant tracking (ATS) bots.

Additionally, the precise skills and experiences needed for even similar jobs will differ. You want your CV to match so closely that the hiring manager can’t help but see you as a good fit.

If you’re still employed and worried that your boss or coworkers will notice frequent changes to your LinkedIn profile, you can adjust your privacy settings to not send out profile change updates to your connections.

5.  Be Yourself

You may think that you need to fit a certain mould to get the job. Perhaps you’ve practised the perfect responses to common interview questions and brushed up on industry jargon.

True, you want to show that you are a good fit for the company culture. But don’t forget to be yourself. The real you has to fit in with the company. And, some hobby or interest might spark the interviewer’s curiosity.

6.  Say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Gratitude is an increasingly rare quality, and this makes it all the more sought-after in the workplace. Grateful people are often able to motivate others and overcome interpersonal problems.

One way to display this quality is by thanking the interviewer verbally. Then, email thank-you notes to each interviewer on the same day that the interview took place. This puts your name in front of their eyes once again, and it also affects the way they feel about you – after all, a sincere thank-you always makes a person feel good.

Don’t wait days to send your email, and don’t be too generic. Mention the person by name, note something that you appreciated about the interview or that you discussed therein, and send a separate email to each person. This courtesy may give you the upper hand compared to a similarly skilled candidate who does not send thank-yous.

If you interviewed in person, you may even consider mailing a handwritten note. This uncommon courtesy could be the thing that makes you stand out.

Author Bio:

Susan Noel is an experienced content writer. She is associated with many renowned business and technology blogs as a guest author where she shares her valuable articles with the audience.

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