How to make a good impression in an interview

How to Make a Good Impression on the Prospective Employers

featured Interview tips

Even though we wish it away, the first impression is common determiner if you will get employed or not. During rating of candidates, those who worked well in impressing the hiring manager(s) often get hired. Most employers will know if you are the right person for the job in the first few minutes and so, the beginning of an interview is the best place to show your good side and carry it on through to the end.

It Starts With Practice

Take some time and learn about the frequently asked questions and practice answering them until you feel you sound seamless in your speech. The other stuff to practice is your body posture so as to present yourself as the best person for the job.

Dress Appropriately

You will need to dress accordingly for an interview. Because it is important to you to fill this position, your dress code should not portray that you are overdressed or underdressed in any way. Avoid too much perfume and jewellery.

Show Interest

Dressing well, answering questions accordingly, and arriving at the interview premises on time is just a way to show that you have interest in this position. Even when you feel that your talents are not completely compatible with the job in question, still show interest to engage those interviewing you.

Mind Your Language

You do not want to be casual when addressing your potential bosses. Mind your language by avoiding slang words and any careless wording when you speak. Don’t describe people’s appearances, religion and political affiliations or any other topics that might attract controversy. You need to be ready with statements you will use to open and close conversations.

Get There on Time

When you come to an interview late, you are saying that no one should trust you if they want someone who cares about detail, plus they cannot rely on you. But then, do not also come earlier than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will sit in the reception area and appear as though you have nothing else to do.

important interview tips

Show Kindness

From the moment you step into the gate to the time you leave, show everyone kindness. Whether it is the tea girl or the CEO, be kind and treat each person with respect. Some hiring managers can use the opinions they get from receptionists, security guards and any other worker in the compound to qualify or fail you. If you mistreated any of them, that can be a reason enough to fail you.

Your Handshake Should be Firm

If you get the opportunity to greet your interviewer, let your handshake be firm. Do not squeeze their hand or offer a loose handshake. Also, ensure your hands are dry and not sweaty to show that you are not panicking.

Know the Names of the Interviewer(s)

You should find out the names of those going to interview you and carry out brief background research about them. When it is the time to call their name, do it correctly on the first time. It can impress them if they have a tough name and you get it.

As mentioned before, preparation is essential when trying to impress your hiring managers. If you get this stage right, then you will enjoy the entire interviewing process and possibly get the job. Get yourself ready now.


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